Hi, my name is Luís Beck
I'm a Back-end Developer.

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About Me

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I'm known as Beck, and I'm part of the Digital Talent Academy team at Bosch (CaP/ETS). Currently, finishing my technical course in Systems Development at SENAI, as well as pursuing a college degree in Software Engineering at Uninter.

My area of expertise and interest is backend development, where I've been studying and learning more every day. At the moment, I'm working with RESTful APIs, using layered application and microservices architecture, with proficiency in Java - Spring Boot and Python - Django. I'm also deepening my knowledge in DevOps culture, particularly in code versioning with Git and GitHub, as well as containerization with Docker and Kubernetes.

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Alura Food Microservices

Alura Food is a microservices-based REST API designed for a fast food system, built using Java 17 and Spring Boot. Its architecture comprises services for discovery, API gateway, orders, and payments, with asynchronous communication facilitated by RabbitMQ messaging.

Fast Bank

Project developed with Python and Django Rest Framework, a REST API for a digital bank, proposed for the integrative project of the systems development course at Senai. The API allows creation and management of accounts, transactions, loans, credit cards, and other functionalities, implementing business rules, validations, authentication, and authorization.

Spring Bank

Project developed with Java and Spring Boot, a REST API for a digital bank, proposed as a challenge for practicing with different frameworks (FastBank Project). The API allows creation and management of accounts, transactions, loans, credit cards, and other functionalities, implementing business rules, validations, authentication, and authorization.